Sunday, October 23, 2011

Thats Not My Chicken

That's some nice looking chicken. Perfectly browned and crispy looking skin, meaty meaty breasts, and I do believe that's fresh rosemary tying off the legs. Deliciousness.

That, however, is not my chicken. Thats a googled image of chicken. In fact, it might not even be chicken at all - who knows what they do to chicken under the hot flash of food photography bulbs. I could be drooling over petroleum jelly molded into the shape of chicken sprayed with brown glaze and waxed to shine.

No, thats not my chicken. My chicken is juicy, crunchy, crispy, succulent, and quite literally, not my chicken - it's actually Ina Garten's Chicken, and everyone who reads this should try once in their lifetime to make Ina Garten's Perfect Chicken recipe. I swear you will not regret this.

My chicken is still in the fridge, having made it a few days ago, and thinking about it there are like 50 million things you can do with leftover chicken including chicken pot pie, chicken salad, chicken quesadillas ("Eat Your Food Tina!").

Here is a pretty picture of some of the ingredients you'll need. Food stylist I'm not, but this was a pretty set up and my I-Phone happened to be on the countertop.

Enjoy your chicken!

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Hello Thirty

Hello Thirty!

Why are 23 year olds on the internet making millions of dollars?

And why does my boss not know what HTML is?

Why am I creating a blog at 9:42 PM on a Saturday night instead of clubbing it up?

These questions and more answered in Hell0(thats a ZERO cause the regular O was taken) Thirty!

Let's see how long I can keep this blog up - 2 days? 2 weeks? Half a year?

I got a kid and lots of Saturday nights at home, so lets find out together...I welcome comments, endorsements, and when I make millions of dollars off a shitty blog I swear you can all come work for me.